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Arts-Based Research in Addressing Social Inequality and Exclusion (ABR)

Problem definition and aim: With the 'Arts-Based-Research' project, we explore how performative research (i.e. creative or arts-based research methods) can be used within EQUALITY//ResearchCollective to respond to issues such as social inequality and exclusion. The performative research approach aligns strongly with the core values and aims of the collective to have a specific focus on engaging the 'lived experiences' of people in socially vulnerable situations and towards establishing participatory approaches where co-creation with participants is considered key to addressing power relations in society. In two action-oriented participatory research projects, we will use various arts-based methodologies to achieve this goal. At the same time, we also intend to describe and document our research experiences to bring other researchers within the collective into this research methodology. Impact on Stakeholders: Stakeholders such as EQUALITY//ResearchCollective researchers, communities in vulnerable situations and wider societies will benefit from this approach. The project promotes inclusive research practices and provides a platform for voices to be heard. It aims to have a sustainable impact on societal structures by raising awareness and stimulating policy change.
Date:1 Jan 2024 →  Today
Keywords:arts-based research
Disciplines:Orthopedagogics and special education not elsewhere classified
Project type:Collaboration project