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RecoveryAcademy Vlaanderen

This research addresses the question "What is the significance of the HerstelAcademie within the socialization of care and the current GGZ policy of the Flemish government?". We aim to be the first in Flanders to investigate how the HerstelAcademies realize their ambitions within the current organization of mental health care. We start with the development of a quantitative monitoring and evaluation system that makes it possible to evaluate both the progress and the impact of the Recovery Academies from the perspective of the trainees. At the same time we are conducting a process evaluation of the people in charge of coordination and daily management of the regional Recovery Academies with the aim of gaining insight into what mechanisms and processes play a role in the development and continuation of the academies. In addition, we want to visualize the experience of the trainers using innovative arts-based research methods. Finally, we will organize a meeting day where we want to include the various stakeholders of the RecoveryAcademies in the research findings. HerstelAcademie Vlaanderen is a research project of the research center EQUALITY//ResearchCollective.
Date:1 Sep 2022 →  31 Dec 2023
Keywords:Socialization of care
Disciplines:Orthopedagogics and special education not elsewhere classified
Project type:Collaboration project