Public Health and Primary Care, Kulak Kortrijk Campus KU Leuven
Public Health and Primary Care, Kulak Campus Kortrijk with a focus on community health, best practice and health policy
Public Health and Primary Care, Kulak Campus Kortrijk with a focus on community health, best practice and health policy
The critical care department is involved in clinical as well as in experimental research. The clinical research concerns: 1. Pharmacological interventions in acute coronary insufficiency; 2. Evaluation of the cerebroresuscitative and the cerebrovascular effects of mild hypothermia after cardiac arrest (Mild hypothermia induced by a helmet device : A clinical trial; Mild therapeutic hypothermia to improve neurological outcome after severe ...
The overall research objective of the Laboratory of Intensive Care Medicine is to unravel key pathways underlying critical illness-induced organ failure, thereby identifying potential therapeutic targets to enhance recovery. We focus on endocrine and metabolic underlying mechanisms of organ-specific problems evoked by critical illness.
This research group combines the following research lines within the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences:
(1) Patient Safety: This research is being developed in cooperation with the Faculty of Business Economics
(2) Mobile Health: This research line fits in with the development of the Limburg Clinical Research Program
(3) General Practice.
- Health Care Financing - Medical technology - Nursing activities (acute care, psychiatric care) and financing - Clinical nursing - Preference patterns for the aged - Case management in psycho-geriatric patients - Quality improvement - Economic evaluation of cancer treatment (mainly radiotherapy). - Health Care financing systems.
Endocrinology: The ovaries and other reproductive organs are in continuous interaction with the pituitary and the thyroid. The interplay may account for infertility occurring at different levels and may render the diagnosis difficult. Thyroid disorders, both hyperthyroidism and hypthyroidism, can interact with the ovaries, through a direct effect on the and indirect through alterations of the SHBG levels, the PRL levels and the coagulation ...
The Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences consists of the Department of Kinesiology and the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences