Internal Office for Prevention and Protection at Work Ghent University
Preventie- & Milieudienst Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Diensten Algemene Directeur Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Leuven Medical Technology Centre KU Leuven
Leuven Health Technology Centre (L-HTC) will focus on technology enhanced active and healthy living. In the L-HTC vision new technology will be developed for active movement in the framework of lifestyle applications, rather than for sport performance applications. This choice is inspired by the societal importance of an active lifestyle for prevention, i.e. for keeping people healthy (primary prevention), reducing risks for chronically ...
Genetic and Social Psychology Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Topic A : Coping processes and coping strategies of adults, children and family systems related to significant life events. - -Parent and elder abuse.- -Artificial insemination - IVF oocyte donation : effects on parent child relationships.- -Topic B: Explorative empirical research on problems related to socialisation and education. - -Prevention of (functional) illiteracy in elementary (primary) school. - -Illiteracy in Flanders: detection of ...
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) KU Leuven
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Human-Computer Interaction and eHealth Hasselt University
The HCI and eHealth research unit performs research in Computer Science, focusing on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). eHealth is an important application domain in the overall research portfolio of the group. The HCI and eHealth research unit is led by Prof.dr. Karin Coninx, and the group has vast experience in basic and applied research, often in the context of a multi-/interdisciplinary research consortium. The most elaborated research ...
Interfaculty Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law KU Leuven
The activities of the Centre for Bio-Medical Ethics and Law (part of the Faculty of medicine, but with an interdisciplinary structure), are - besides teaching and documentation - mainly directed towards research.The expertise of the Centre spans a wide variety of disciplines including ethics, law, philosophy and theology and close links are maintained with various medical and care disciplines. The staff is composed of senior academic ...
Non-communicable Diseases Research Group Institute of Tropical Medicine
The Non-Communicable Diseases Group was created in late 2018 following a long-recognised need to strengthen ITM’s expertise in understanding and addressing the spreading NCD (such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancers) epidemics in low-resource settings, areas traditionally burdened with infectious diseases. The overall motivation of the group is to understand the socioeconomical, behavioral and metabolic risks driving ...